Wednesday, May 27, 2020

1764 Plants in 18C Colonial American Gardens - Virginian John Randolph (727-1784) - Indian Cress

A Treatise on Gardening Written by a native of this State (Virginia)
Author was John Randolph (1727-1784)
Written in Williamsburg, Virginia about 1765
Published by T. Nicolson, Richmond, Virginia. 1793
The only known copy of this booklet is found in the Special Collections of the Wyndham Robertson Library at Hollins University in Roanoke, Virginia.

Indian Cress

Cress, Indian, Nasturtium indicum nasis torinentum; because the seed when bruised is apt to cause pressing; known to the Botanists by the name of Acriviola, a sharp violet, should be sown, in April or March, being extremely tender. If stuck, they will climb a great height, and will last till the frost come, and then totally perish. It is thought the flower is superior to a radish in flavour, and is eaten in salads or without. My method is to plant the seeds in hills, three in a hill, leaving a space in the middle to put the stick on which they are to grow; and I have found they succeed very well in a rich light soil..